Hours of operation

Immanuel Preschool is open from Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. for 52 weeks of the year. The centre is only closed on public holidays, and the full fees are due for the weeks in which these holidays occur.

Immanuel Preschool Fee structure (would be reviewed periodically and Implemented with due notice)

Nursery and 2-year-old fees (20 free ECE hrs do not apply)

3, 4 and 5-year-olds fees (20 free ECE hrs applies)

Immanuel Preschool provides 20 free ECE hours for children from 3 to 6 years. If your child is between 3 and 6, he/she is entitled to the 20-hour subsidy (4 hours a day either in the morning or afternoon), if you need your child to avail childcare for more than 20 hours a week, there is a charge.

You may also qualify for childcare assistance from WINZ based on your gross family income. Please check with WINZ whether you are eligible for the same.

We keep our fees affordable to encourage more child participation to avail our quality care and education which would help them to transition to primary school.

Please drop in to discuss this further.

Payment of fees

A one-week advance payment is required, and this fee is non-refundable if the parent chooses not to send the child to the centre.

Late payment

Fees are always due to be paid on a weekly basis. This payment is due no later than 9:00 am Friday for the current week. A cumulative service charge for the use of a debt collector will be added to the outstanding balance for the payments received after the deadline of 9:00 am on Friday.

Late pick up fee

Immanuel Preschool charges $10 per child per 15 minutes or any part thereof if the child is left at Immanuel Preschool past your signed enrolment hours. Immanuel Preschool will collect a fee of $15 for 15 minutes or part thereof if children collected after closing time. This money is paid by Immanuel Preschool directly to the staff member who stayed late. If registered contact persons cannot be contacted then, as per regulations police assistance to find caregivers will be sought.

Full Fees are due for holidays.


Weekly fees are based on an annual amount, therefore, the full weekly fee is payable for weeks that include public holidays.

Government bulk funding

The Government of New Zealand has allocated some funds for every child who attends a licensed childcare centre. Immanuel Preschool is operating as a private centre so we do not receive community funding like capital grants, equity funding, English as a second language funding etc. However, we do get funding for the children who are enrolled for 6 hours or less a day, 5 days a week and extra funding for the first 20 hrs when children are 3 and 4 years old. This is paid directly to all licensed childcare centres. It is important to realise our funding gets cut if your child is absent for an extended period. Funding rules apply for our centre and funding is reduced according to funding regulations and rules. Immanuel Preschool will be audited on a regular basis to ensure these rules are met. Our financial performance for the Ministry of Education bulk funding is displayed on the parent notice board at the time of completion.

Termination of care/Change of hours

We require a minimum of two weeks’ notice if you no longer wish to use the services of the centre. Any changes to booked hours require one week’s notice and will depend on a space being available.

Tax credits

Fees to Immanuel Preschool may qualify for a tax credit for many families. Upon request, Immanuel Preschool will provide you with the tax statement of your payments for the previous year.

3 weeks rule

Ministry of Education regulations mean Immanuel Preschool is unable to claim funding if your child is absent for 3 weeks without any valid reason. Immanuel Preschool regrets that a permanently booked space will be cancelled after 3 weeks if no other arrangements have been approved by the Management.

WINZ subsidies

WINZ have childcare subsidies available for 50 hrs. The three-week rule applies to WINZ payments as well. WINZ reviews your circumstances every 6 months and Immanuel Preschool recommends that you contact WINZ directly for advice on these subsidies and also if your circumstances change and also change of hours. Full fees are charged if the subsidy is not paid to us.

Childcare Subsidy

Below are the Childcare Subsidy income thresholds and maximum rates at 1 April 2024. (quote from Work and Income)

Number of childrenGross weekly incomeChildcare Subsidy
(per hour, per child)
Childcare Subsidy
(per week, per child for 50 hours)
1Less than $1,062.00$6.38$319.00
$1,062.00 to $1,933.99$5.09$254.50
$1,934.00 to $2,094.99$3.56$178.00
$2,095.00 to $2,256.99$1.99$99.50
$2,257.00 or morenilnil
2Less than $1,221.00$6.38$319.00
$1,221.00 to $2,224.99$5.09$254.50
$2,225.00 to $2,400.99$3.56$178.00
$2,401.00 to $2,578.99$1.99$99.50
$2,579.00 or morenilnil
3 or moreLess than $1,368.00$6.38$319.00
$1,368.00 to $2,481.99$5.09$254.50
$2,482.00 to $2,691.99$3.56$178.00
$2,692.00 to $2,901.99$1.99$99.50
$2,902.00 or morenilnil